Coe Godfrey Gardener Selection Committee Minutes
Mayor’s Office
December 21, 2009 – 4pm
Members present: Mayor Bingham, Councilwoman Elinor Carbone, Park and Recreation Commissioner Dan Lovallo, Park and Recreation Commissioner Fran Ducotey, Susan Holbrook, Margret Keywan
Members Absent: Councilman Rick Dalla Valle
Others Present: Public Works Director Jerry Rollett, Inland Wetlands Officer Kim Barbieri, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation Brett Simmons, Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco, and members of the press and public
Minutes: Mayor Bingham began the meeting promptly at 4p.m. There was a general discussion on how to structure the review process. It was decided that each job element on the review sheet (attached) would be discussed by each member of the committee and staff. Most of the ratings were good or exceptional, with some members rating some of the points as average or adequate and very few elements being scored as unacceptable.
After this process it was decided that a vote would be taken among only the elected officials, commissioners and member of the advisory committee due to the fact that those were the people who voted originally to recommend the contract to the City Council.
The vote was a 4-2 recommendation to the City Council to renew the contract for Still River Gardens. Members in favor included Mayor Bingham, Councilwoman Carbone, Commissioners Lovallo and Ducotey. The members who voted against the recommendation to renew included Ms. Holbrook and Ms. Keywan.
Some of the members asked that the current contract be reviewed in order to add a more detailed review process for the coming year of the contract. The Mayor stated his office would work to incorporate that suggestion with the contractors.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen Nocera
Assistant to the Mayor